Get Connected and share your talents to support our school.
Our mission is to support the school while keeping parents informed and connected by providing opportunities to further develop a positive, family-friendly Christian community.
When you get connected to the school by volunteering, not only does your child(ren) benefit, but you do as well. Our Parent Teacher League (PTL) provides financial support for the school, a network of volunteers to help create a variety of community-oriented events, and help with day-to-day activities. There’s a lot to be done and we can’t do it without your help.
Join a PTL Leadership Team and Committee
The Parent Teacher League, or PTL, is comprised of parents and teachers of the school community. The PTL is directed by a leadership team. There are leadership and volunteer positions open! Even if you can not provide leadership, there are numerous opportunities to serve.
PTL has a threefold purpose
Provides monetary support through fundraisers.
The PTL supports the school by providing incremental funds and monetary support generated through select fundraisers during each school year. The fall fundraiser gives the students an opportunity to help support our school. Other events like the Top Golf Fundraiser, Trivia Night, and our largest fundraiser — the Annual School Auction — are our main school fundraisers. The money raised throughout the school year helps offset school tuition for everyone, supports the school library and technology improvements as well as other projects as budget allows.
Provides volunteer support for St. John School.
The PTL provides support through a vast network of parent volunteers. From classroom-focused help like Room Parents, party planners and library help to event volunteers and office assistance, we provide support and resources so our teachers and administrators can do their best work — and so can our children.
Provides and plans community events for school families.
The PTL fosters and builds the community by creating fun Christian events and fellowship for school families. Events like Kidstock, Trunk-or-Treat, the Christmas Store, Skate Night and the Pool Party connect our school community together.
The PTL helps manage and coordinate the various volunteer groups that truly help keep the school function on a daily basis. Additionally, fundraisers are organized by the PTL volunteers and all of the events / initiatives are in support of the overall mission and vision of the school.
Upcoming Events

Would you like more information?
If you would like to know more about our school program, simply get in touch and we will follow up with you.